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  • Boeing 737 Max in Major US Passenger Airlines

Boeing 737 Max in Major US Passenger Airlines

Visualizing US Airline Fleets


Hope you have been doing well. Its been a while :)

I took a break from writing this newsletter for the past few months, but excited to re-start! I have many new topics planned, so eager to share them with you in coming weeks.

Thanks for sticking with me! Hope you like today’s post.


Flying has become such a routine exercise for us, that we don’t think twice about it. Statistically, its one of the safest mode of transportation.

However, you should pay attention, if you may be flying in a Boeing 737 Max

Boeing 737 Max has had many problems ever since it went into production:

  • The plane was grounded worldwide for 2 years in 2019-20 after 346 people died across 2 different crashes (Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302) LINK

  • In Jan this year, a Boeing 737 Max plane window blew off in an Alaska Airline flight, mid-air. Thankfully no one was hurt.

  • In a recent audit, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) found dozens of issues with the aircraft LINK.

To make this whole thing more suspicious, a Boeing Whistleblower was also found dead recently LINK

I don’t think this is the last we’ve heard of this issue. Many travelers have started feeling concerned that they might be on a Boeing 737Max flight LINK

The aircraft is still in operation in Airline fleets worldwide, and as travelers, we don’t get to choose which aircraft we fly in.

Fortunately, the fleet data is public and from the chart above, we can see that in US, only 4 Mainline Airlines currently have Boeing 737 Max in their fleet:

  • Southwest has the most, 228 Boeing 737 Max aircrafts in their fleet

  • United has 165 followed by Alaska with 65 and American with 59

  • All other airlines do not currently fly a Boeing 737 Max (however they might in future as some have orders)

TIP: By the way, if you have any anxiety about flying on a Boeing 737 Max plane, fear not. While booking your ticket, you can check which aircraft your airline is using (most booking websites like Expedia will provide this information).

Good Reads

Twitter (X) is going Video first (bad idea). I prefer text more. If you do too, here are some good reads from newsletters that I often go to:

  • Curated fact-based news summaries delivered to your inbox daily (US centric) 1-Click Subscribe

  • One of a kind newsletter covering career news (salaries, layoffs and office jokes). If you work at a corporate job, this one is quite a handy read 1-Click Subscribe

  • Wes Kao’s weekly emails on how to operate at a higher plane (no matter what you do). There is some serious alpha in her posts. Strongly recommend LINK


Here is the question for this week’s quiz.

You can simply scroll to the bottom of the post to see the answer. (Remember to answer the question first 😃 

Which airline has the biggest fleet size (# of aircrafts)

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Answer to the business quiz question is Delta Airlines! (Source)

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading! 👋


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